
All artists and artworks on are carefully selected by a panel of distinguished international curators.
This panel is chaired by Serenella Ciclitira.


Serenella Ciclitira

Serenella Ciclitira received an Honours Degree in Art History from Trinity College, Dublin and has since worked extensively with artists and galleries throughout the world. Alongside her husband, David Ciclitira, she co-founded the Global Eye Programme and is a member of its curatorial board. An Honorary Fellow at the Royal College of Art in London, Serenella has been awarding the Parallel Prize for Painting and the Serenella Ciclitira Scholarship for Sculpture since 1990. A winner of the Parallel Prize, Gillian Carnegie, was later nominated for the Turner Prize. Other award recipients, Benedict Carpenter and Gereon Krebber went on to win the prestigious Jerwood Sculpture Prize. Martin Westwood, was featured in the Art Now exhibition at the Tate Britain in 2005.